This year’s Ubley Annual Parish Meeting (APM) is being held in the Village Hall at 8pm on Thursday 5th May. The APM is something every Council has to organise by law. Although the 2020 meeting...
Ukrainian Refugee Community Support
The war in the Ukraine is making many of us feel helpless as there is very little we can do individually or as a community to make any significant difference. However, I am approaching you to ask...
Saturday 21st May – Churchyard tidy up session
A note to all Ubley residents This month’s churchyard working party is at St Bartholomew’s Church this Saturday, 21st May, from 9:30am through to 11:30am. Please do come along if you can...
Household Support Fund this Winter
Do you know any families with children and vulnerable people within our villages that might need help from the Household Support Fund? This is funding provided by the Department for Work & Pensions...
Consultation to help shape mental health services in B&NES
Residents and professionals who use or work in specialist mental health services, now or in the past, are being invited to have their say in a consultation on the provision of community-based mental...
Thank you for those that helped with the Churchyard tidy ups
St Bartholomew’s Parochial Church Council wants to thank everyone who has helped with the Churchyard Tidy monthly working parties. The Churchyard is looking so much better as we approach...
Are you interested in being the Clerk for Ubley Parish Council?
CLERK TO THE COUNCIL AND RESPONSIBLE FINANCIAL OFFICER Ubley Parish Council is looking for a Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer, working 7 hours per week. Since the early part of this year...
New!! – Saturday 16th October – Churchyard tidy up session
A note to all Ubley residents. There will be a working party at St Bartholomew’s Churchyard this coming Saturday, 16th October from 9.30am to 11.30. If you can spare an hour to help tidy up...
B&NES Mobile Library dates and times for Ubley
The Mobile Library has several routes across B&NES, each visited fortnightly. Ubley is on Route 1 and the dates and times through until the end of November are: Route 1 – The following...
Reminder about Churchyard tidying up on Saturday 21st August?
A quick reminder to Ubley residents that there will be a ‘Churchyard tidying up’ this Saturday morning (21st). Can you spare an hour or so between 9:30am and 11:30am? St. Bartholomew’s...