
Ubley Annual Parish Meeting – Thursday 5th May

This year’s Ubley Annual Parish Meeting (APM) is being held in the Village Hall at 8pm on Thursday 5th May.

The APM is something every Council has to organise by law. Although the 2020 meeting was cancelled nationally because of the pandemic and the 2021 was held over Zoom, we are now able to meet back in the Hall. Returning to pre-2020 tradition, we will open the bar from 7:30pm to provide a free drink to all attendees of the meeting.

The meeting will allow residents to hear from village groups and organisations and to ask questions. This year we hope to have reports from the Parish Council, the Hall Committee, the Church Council, the Primary School, B&NES, and the Police.

Please keep a note of the date and time in the diary and we’ll provide a more detailed agenda nearer the meeting.

Thank you